
This is a truncated version of the EFA Chicagoland Chapter News. If you would like to read the full e-newsletter, visit the archive, where you can also subscribe to have it delivered to your inbox monthly.


  • Final Comma. It’s a win for all those in favor of the Oxford comma! The Metropolitan King County Council in Washington recently voted unanimously for its use, though some still disagree.
  • Dream Home. Ready to buy a home or refinance? As a freelancer, you need to be especially prepared to convince a bank to give you a mortgage. Noting that “lenders want to see reliable, consistent income,” The Wall Street Journal offers eight steps to help freelancers buy the home of their dreams.
  • Top Cities. Noting that where you live is about more than business needs, Nerdwallet recently released a list of the 10 top U.S. cities for freelancers. Sadly (and perhaps a little oddly), none are in the Midwest.
  • Neopronouns. Confused about how—or when—to use neopronouns? You’re not alone. This guide from CNN may clear up some questions.
  • Digital Space. Are you running out of room on your Google Drive? This CNET guide walks you through how to clear up space, and possibly save some money on cloud storage, by deleting files from your Google Drive, Gmail, and Photos. Have emails too important to delete? Lifehacker shows you how to back them up.
  • Email Templates. The folks at Hopscotch have shared six email templates for freelancers, including tips on how to let clients know you’re increasing your rates and how to react when your contact leaves a company (or just ghosts you).
  • Human Touch. In the last six months, Fiverr searches for AI-content editing have spiked over 10,000%. Looks like people are realizing the problems of ChatGPT-generated content that lacks a pulse—and often factual information—and they need freelancers to add a “human touch.”

Freelance News

  1. Written Contracts. Any contracting entity that hires a freelancer for work amounting to $500 or more (in aggregate) must provide a written contract to the independent contractor.
  2. Timely Payments. If not otherwise stipulated in the contract, the contracting entity must pay the IC within 30 days after the completion of the work.
  3. No Retaliation. The contracting entity cannot retaliate against the IC for exercising their rights under the act.


Looking to connect with colleagues or gain new skills or insights? Check out the Media Types Omnicalendar for nationwide (and some worldwide) media- and publishing-related conferences, webinars, and other events of interest to self-employed editorial freelancers. For more EFA-specific events and classes, see the EFA Events page.