
This is a truncated version of the EFA Chicagoland Chapter News. If you would like to read the full e-newsletter, visit the archive, where you can also subscribe to have it delivered to your inbox monthly.


  • Better Passwords. Following the latest LastPass hacking debacle, you might be thinking twice about using password managers. SocialProof Security CEO Rachel Tobac suggests “salting” to keep even stored passwords safe.
  • Fiction Guide. The folks behind The Chicago Manual of Style released a “long-awaited” guide to editing fiction. The Chicago Guide to Copyediting Fiction “offers cogent advice on how to deal with dialogue, voice, grammar, conscious language, and other significant issues in fiction.”
  • Freelance IRA. Robinhood recently celebrated National Freelancers Day with a new IRA for freelancers—one with a 1% match.
  • Self-Possessed. Are you worried creepy robots may be coming for your job? Probably not anytime soon—but that may not be the worst of it. Someday your car may repossess itself.

Freelance News

On the Radar: IL Freelance Worker Protection Act

The Freelance Worker Protection Act (House Bill 1122) has cleared the House of the Illinois General Assembly and is now being considered by the state Senate.

If passed as is, the bill would apply to services equal to or greater than $500, though it excludes construction workers. It would require written contracts and timely payment upon completion of the contracted work, as well as give the freelancer the right to file a complaint with the Department of Labor if the client violates the contract. Civil enforcement penalties could entitle the freelancer to recover double any unpaid amounts.

You can read the full text here.


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